Tax Lawyer in Warsaw

If you are looking for a tax lawyer in Warsaw, our law firm can help you. The tax landscape in Poland is forever evolving, particularly when dealing with cross-border and local tax regulations and this presents businesses and individuals with a significant challenge.

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the number and complexity of tax investigations conducted by authorities and it is expected that enforcement will continue to gather pace. The requirement for tax adjustments and a multi-disciplinary approach to maximise tax effectiveness is rising accordingly. The law firm of Bernard Łukomski has in-depth knowledge and expertise in national and international tax laws and we advise our clients in all aspects of personal and corporate income taxes, VAT, excise duty, transfer tax, stamp duty, real estate tax, tax disputes, social security, and fiscal criminal law. We can help you to manage tax control cases in addition to managing tax litigation cases including challenging tax liability decisions and dealing with tax authorities, tax administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court. Receiving the correct tax advice often reduces transaction costs and can avert serious penalties and consequences.

As an established Tax Lawyer in Warsaw, our Firm possesses extensive experience in the area of cross-border transactions involving, in particular, double taxation treaties and international tax planning.

The Firm has advised clients from the various business sectors like: banks, investment funds, insurance firms, car dealers, developers, telecoms, and supermarket chains with respect to all every day tax matters and tax planning. The Firm has advised to individuals, both Polish and expatriates, with respect to personal income tax. Examples of our broad tax experience include:

  • Tax due diligence;
  • Taxation of cross border transfers of interest, dividends and royalties;
  • Taxation of branches and permanent establishments vis-à-vis corporations;
  • With respect to personal income tax, our experience includes: taxation of board members, managers, employees, agents and expatriates;
  • Taxation of stock option plans for managers and employees;
  • With respect to VAT, our experience includes taxation of leasing transactions, securitization, cash-pool, debt transfers, service agreements, including immaterial services relating to trademarks and software, factoring, swap and forward transactions, exports, imports, intra community supply/delivery of goods;
  • All tax aspects of construction, development and sale of real estate;
  • With respect to corporate income tax, our experience includes: taxation of foreign exchange differences, debt redemption, transfer of debts and liabilities, debt into equity swaps transactions, debt transfers, sales of an enterprise, sales of an organized part of an enterprise, transfer pricing, thin capitalization, mergers and acquisitions, cash-pool, securitization, leasing transactions;
  • Tax liability of board members for tax debts of the corporations managed by them;
  • Tax liability of tax-paying agents and legal successors;
  • With respect to transfer tax, our experience includes taxation of loans, share capital increases, transfer of shares and all types of assets/rights;

Transfer pricing experience includes:

  • Preparing transfer pricing documentation;
  • Establishing whether parties to a given transaction qualify as related parties for transfer pricing purposes;
  • Tax reporting duties of Polish corporations vis-à-vis Polish tax authorities and F/X regulator;
  • Verifying correctness and/or completeness of documentation supporting invoices issued by the providers/sellers in transactions between related parties;
  • verifying level of the prices applied in the context of: (i) a comparable uncontrolled price (ii) a resale price and (iii) a reasonable margin (“cost plus”) methods.

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Kancelaria Prawna Bernard Łukomski
ul. Puławska 2, Budynek B, 02-566 Warszawa.
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